Just because Sequoia sempervirens trees are gorgeous California natives, it does not mean they are necessarily the right species, in the right place. This Coast Redwood tree measured 90” in diameter at breast height and stood 70’ tall in a small front yard. Its massive main trunk divided into two spars that supported a dense, balanced crown of healthy green needles. Roots from this Redwood, however, were displacing (both horizontally and vertically) the public sidewalk, creating numerous, significant trip-and-fall hazards. In addition, the tree’s substantial root system had uplifted two nearby, adjacent homes. Unfortunately this beautiful tree outlived its useful and safe lifespan in this setting and its root system had created both a public and private nuisance that could not be remedied without destabilizing the tree (i.e., root pruning). Sonoma-Marin Arborists, Inc. were called in to do the removal project, which, sadly, demonstrates why large & fast growing trees like this should not be planted in small front yards, in densely populated neighborhoods. (Photo via Scott Hess)

I just want to thank Zac and his crew for the AMAZING job of taking down this tree that has left a hole in our hearts. It was a sad thing to see happen, but they were amazing in how they handled it.
His crew worked hard and fast yet safely and with what felt like a real respect and reverence for this beautiful tree. They were very friendly and cleaned up every day before leaving even to the point of blowing the debris from our front yard.
I’m SO impressed by what your crew has done that your company will bet the first I call for help with any of our trees!